Friday, February 6, 2015

Birthday Readings and Best Astrology Books Fa

Birthday Readings & Best Astrology Books Fav

February 6,2015

Hello Folks again and welcome to my enlightening and spiritual astrology blog. If you have followed my blog in the past you are here to read yet another interesting post and if you haven’t and this is your first time prepare yourself to get very intrigued by what I have to say. You see when I write here its specifically for you. I am a great astrology lover and I do not chose to call myself an astrologer as I don’t want to label my self to one category, I may know as much and even above what most astrologers know and understand,but again I don’t like the format of labeling a person to what he is to one thing, because we are many different things and we cannot be one thing . If you haven’t read any of my previous blogs on here please do so as they are filled with great lessons that I have personally experiences, astrology tips, and some very good life stories which I have to tell. You see I am a talker and I can type very good which allows me to almost get that typing speed limit to my speech speed limit which is pretty fast

Birthday Readings 

 Today Id like to go and talk to you about birthday readings and astrology book favs. Okay so let me tell you a story which is true and I experienced this when I was 19. So when I was 19 I still was very fascinated by astrology and knew a great sum about it at that young age, not as much as I do now, but more then everyone else that reads astrology for the first time. Id read couple of books back then, some skimmed through, and one really big one that took me a while. Astrology also makes you folks great charmers especially the males, knowing that zodiac sign and what she likes is a definite step a head in a relationship. So back to when I was 19, so I was intrigued by the world of divination and I really wanted to go to a psychic. There was this places like 10 blocks from my house, this purple house that said psychic reading and it wasn’t a very big place. It did look sort of mysterious. Every day from school I use to pass it and never really notice it. I knew in my mind I passed it each and every time, but I never really took the time to look and see what was actually there. One I walked passed it again from across its street. I stat down with my heavy school backpack to take a quick break. I remember staring at the ground and at the sky for like 15 minutes as the wind would splash on my face every now end then. After that look straight ahead at no where my picture was way way clearer and I actually read the psychic reading sign. So I had 10 bucks in my pocked and thought, why not.Especially that day it was too hot. It was summer and record breaking 105 degrees Fahrenheit of hot weather and I had 20 minutes more to go to get into my house where there was shade and very cold water so this psychic place ahead seemed so convenient and  maybe  it would have a good air conditioner in there too , I had thought to myself. So I took 5 minutes to gather myself together. When I did, I finally stood up and crossed the empty street.. I wonder if they were watching me when I was sitting across from them, a shot raced through my mind with a question. I knocked on the door and it opened by it self slowly. I did get a bit frightened for the moment,but I went in. I saw a lady sitting on the couch and looking at me ‘ive been waiting for you’ she said as I thought now that she might have been watching me. ‘Yea, Hi’ I said as I took a seat. She gave me a birthday reading which was spot on and so exact that it blew my mind. She didn’t change me any more, she told me she couldn't take it. So 30 minutes in the session was done, I felt bad not to pay her,but then again she wouldn’t accept it so  I went home roamed through all of my best astrology books and had another spiritual and magical night.  I hope you enjoyed taking a gander here at my story and I hope it inspires you to try new things such as I did. Sometimes something might be right in front of you and you might have gotten so use to it every day that its not so noticeable anymore in your eyes, but its there. So open the best astrology books you have up!

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